Friday, October 22, 2010


One of our fellow volunteers, Mary, draped some bright shiny beads around her neck and invited all of us to "have some fun"! I picked out a Christmas top and some beads to get in the spirit. We managed to sell bunches of stuff  and spent the day rearranging and straightening our wares to attract more sales. At the end of the day, it didn't really look like much was missing, but estimates were good for our total sales for the day--pure profit.

Our scheduled assignments for today were 8:30 kitchen and afternoon driving availability. Bobbie had her husband, Calvin, with her, so she asked us just to come back at 11:30 a.m. to wash pots and pans, etc., and help serve. The pork chops she was cooking looked good, and we were tired and hungry, so we ate the noon meal at CARE--but standing up in the kitchen, in case someone else came up to the window.

We didn't have any driving assignments in the afternoon, so we told Bob we were leaving the premises to go vote. Early voting started a few days ago, but we haven't been able to get away until today. Voting was easy. We drove to the courthouse, parked across the street, and walked in. Two people were ahead of us in line, but it didn't take more than 10 minutes for the whole process. It was my first experience with touch-screen electronic voting. Very smooth, lots of feedback and checks. Now if the computers aren't hacked, our votes will be counted.

We had a light supper and went to bed early, tired out as usual.