Monday, October 25, 2010

Easy Day

We actually got to sleep in until 8:00 a.m. today, and our only assignment was to help in the kitchen and wash dishes for the evening meal. It was an especially easy job, since many of the residents went on an outing to Ci-Ci's Pizza for dinner, so only 17 people were signed up to eat in the dining room. Greg and Patti fixed sloppy joes and pork and beans, a popular meal, and it created very few pans to wash.

We took advantage of the free time to disconnect and reconnect our entire AV system. We had been having intermittent problems with the sound and video that required us to jiggle the wires and hope. We labeled both ends of each cable and wire and wrapped up extra lengths to keep the connections a bit less cluttered. We also stripped new wire ends for each of the speaker wires. The result, so far, has been positive. The picture is stable, and we get sound from all the appropriate speakers. Yay!

Today was supposed to be record hot for this time of year (high of 90), and it probably was this afternoon in the sun, but the morning was reasonably comfortable because of the cloud cover and some breeze.