Friday, October 15, 2010

Going to Work in the Dark

We were up early this morning so we could arrive by 6:30 a.m. to help Bobbie with the "Big Breakfast." It was dark when we walked over to the Center--must be time to switch from daylight savings to standard time soon.

After work, we took our walk, and I worked some more on the desk area. I made a cover to hide all the power cords.

The uncluttered look . . .

Later we walked over to pick up our mail (mostly junk). We stopped at the headquarters and the clubhouse to see if we could find out more information about the upcoming Octoberfest, but didn't find anything. We did spot the card on the bulletin board offering to sell fresh eggs for $1 a dozen. I'll call that number tomorrow.

We watched a couple of parts of another Lord Peter Whimsey DVD, the Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club.