Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nice Day

We had a good day today, starting with actually sleeping in until 8:00 a.m. We had eggs Florentine for brunch--substitute fresh wilted, chopped spinach for ham in eggs Benedict, and voila! They were yummy.

When we started our walk, we stopped by the CARE Center to turn in our time sheets for last week, mail a card, and donate a hat to the garage sale. In the dining room, Shirley asked if we were eating the noon meal. We said no, but then I saw the entree was pork loin, and I couldn't resist. We stopped after our walk and got two meals to go, including pork loin, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, salad, and cherry cobbler. Patti and Greg were serving, and Ken snapped a quick photo with his Droid.

We wanted to post pics of Brad and Jacalyn's rig. We love their quotation: "Nowhere to be, All day to get there"!

This afternoon we went to buy eggs from a local man who lives nearby. He has 37 laying hens. He sells his eggs by the honor system--leaving them in a small fridge at the end of his drive twice a day. The price is $1 if you bring an egg carton and $1.50 if you don't. We of course took our plastic egg holder. At least we know for sure these hens aren't in little steel cages. He says two hens are sitting on a clutch of 16 eggs right now! He commented that he just tries to pay for feed with the egg money--must be another guy who enjoys poultry. We told him about the couple we met who collected exotic fowl.

We spent some time today culling Yellowstone photos (we may never finish Yellowstone....). Tonight we watched part 3 of the Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club. One more part to go before the mystery is solved.

Terri called. She was driving from the funeral back to her friends' house. She said the church was packed, and no dry eyes, especially when the bagpipes played Amazing Grace. Chris's fiance, Chloe, talked about how Chris had changed her life. I'm so glad Terri was able to be at the funeral mass. She asked and Mike said no one had come from Cleveland. I know Aunt Helene wanted to be there.

Aunt Iris called. She is as busy as always and sounded in good spirits. She said that Uncle Jesse had a cancer removed from his arm and has had continuing complications, including blood clots. Sure hope that heals up soon. Brian had some disagreements with his mom and moved out a month ago--Iris doesn't know where. Uncle Jesse is taking care of a small church. The former pastor asked him to substitute while he had cancer treatment. Unfortunately, he soon died, leaving Jesse with the job. Jesse says it takes lots longer to write a sermon when you get older. I can relate!