Sunday, October 10, 2010


Today our assignment was to wash dishes and help clean up after the 12:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. meals (the meal schedule is later on Sundays to allow for people to attend church in the morning or vespers at the center at 5:00 p.m.). The job was not too difficult, especially since Carl decided to use disposable plates for the evening meal.

Chef Carl dishes up lasagna and veggies, while Jacalyn and Brad add salad and dessert.

Happy people in the dining room
We were very pleased to have a new volunteer couple arrive this afternoon. Greg and Patti have been here before, so they know the ropes. The other old timers know them too. They have a new travel trailer now, but we're told they spent their first year full-timing in a pop-up camper, with their dog and cat. We haven't met the cat yet, but we did meet the dog, a large, wrinkled bulldog named Hippo. As a result of the new arrivals, we have a revised schedule for the week, and we actually get TWO DAYS OFF! We'll count our chickens when they hatch.

We went to the grocery store today, so the fridge is full. It would be even more full if Carl had his way. He keeps trying to send home leftovers with us. We did grab some green beans from the noon meal and some canned peaches from the evening meal, both of which we had for supper, along with our salmon patties.

We finished watching the Lord Peter Wimsey DVD. It ended rather sadly, but the mystery was solved and the bad guys foiled.

We also finished watching The Ghost in Your Genes, about epigenetic influences on human health. Fascinating subject.