Saturday, October 9, 2010

Another Early Morning

We got up early again this morning so we could take our walk before heading over to the CARE Center to help Carl with the noon meal. It was chilly, so we walked fast, but we did stop to listen to and watch a plump, cheery songbird, a kind we didn't recognize. It seemed to be putting on a show for us.

When we arrived for our assignment, Carl was preparing meatloaf, mashed potatoes, brown gravy, lima beans, and corn. We got to fix the big salad. Carl added a sugar free cherry cobbler, sugar free peaches, and cake as dessert choices. He also put a chicken in the oven for those who didn't eat red meat.

We had a full house for dinner, so every bit of the meatloaf, potatoes, and veggies was eaten. One guy (not a resident) came in 45 minutes after the noon hour, famished and begging for food. He ended up with peaches and cottage cheese, salad, and bread and butter.

Ken took some photos today of our fellow volunteers.

Jacalyn and Brad Dacles

Mary and Vern  Miller

Shirley and Al Coleman

Bob Maybee exhorts volunteers

On our evening walk we remembered to take some photos, too.
Put it to bed for the night???

Escapees' big red truck!

Cute dog is the first we've seen at the dog park
Nice dog park!

Ken totally forgot to watch the Michigan vs Michigan State game today. Probably just as well, since Michigan lost 34-17.

We watched another two parts of Murder Must Advertise, the Lord Peter Wimsey video we got from the library, and we spent some time culling Yellowstone photos.

Tonight my Droid camera quit working suddenly when I was trying to make a snapshot note in Evernote. At first I thought it was a problem with the Evernote program. Each time I took a photo, the camera appeared to be working, but Evernote gave an error message that no photo was found. I uninstalled and reinstalled Evernote--no help. Then I tried just taking a camera photo. Again it acted as though it was taking a photo, but only a black frame was saved to the Gallery. Oh, no!

I googled the problem and found that many people had been having similar problems since the last Android update, and all of them ended up returning the phone. I've been through that once already. Reading further I found one poster who mentioned that he had been playing Pandora radio and not quit it before switching to camera--and that's when the problem had occurred. Bingo! I had been playing Pandora too, and I'd had to force quit it because of a technical problem. I uninstalled Pandora and powered down the phone. When I powered back up, the camera worked fine. Whew!