Friday, October 29, 2010


Today we packed up our Hughesnet portable satellite internet equipment and donated it all to the CARE Center. I have mixed feelings about this. It's the end of our ability to be online anywhere we could see the southern sky, but our Verizon USB modem works in most places and is so much smaller. The Hughesnet equipment took up a lot of space and weighed quite a bit, and the service cost $73 a month. Our two-year commitment was up this month, and we reluctantly decided that we'd be better off without it. We're hoping that CARE will be able to get a good price from someone who plans to spend lots of time out where 3G service hasn't reached yet.

We're coming to the end of our one-month commitment at CARE, and that too leaves me with mixed feelings. I've enjoyed the camaraderie with the other teams and staff. It's been a pleasure to be of service to the residents and to get to know some of them a bit. On the other hand, we are ready to move on again and glad that we'll be "retired" again.

This morning we were on call, so we had to be at the Center before 7:00 a.m. Ken was driving Gerry to Kingwood for a doctor appointment, so we let Gerry in early to eat breakfast. They left at 7:15 a.m. and didn't get back until nearly 11:00 a.m.

Usually the on call team has a lot to do in the morning, but since it's Friday, Bobbie came in early to start cooking the "Big Breakfast" and a team was assigned to help her, so they came in early too, plus the new couple was "shadowing" that team. The result was that the coffee was made, the tea and water and ice were set out, and everything else had been done. I unlocked the doors at 7:20 a.m. and turned the checkoff sheets and the phone over to the receptionist, who comes in early on Fridays. I hung around for a while, since the book says the on call team is on duty until 8:30 a.m., but after a bit I asked the kitchen team if they really needed my help. Of course they didn't, so I came home and got a few things done before my haircut appointment at 9:00 a.m. I asked Joe to cut it pretty short over the ears and in the back, so I hope it won't get shaggy looking too soon.

This afternoon we picked up our mail at the mail service window for the last time this trip.