Wednesday, October 13, 2010


We didn't have to be at work today until 5:00 p.m., so we ran some errands. Our DVD's from the library were due, so we stopped by to return them and of course got more DVD's and books. Then we went to Lowe's, where we bought some oak shelves to install under our desk in the living room. Then on to Walmart where we bought a good, bright flashlight for the truck and picked up some groceries.

We were also looking for a solution to keeping our generator clean and out of sight in the truck bed, but an examination of all the containers at Lowe's and all the duffel bags at Walmart didn't yield any good fits. I'd like to find some waterproof fabric to make one.

Tonight we went over at 5:00 and did our "on-call" assignments. At 9:00 we were able to start closing up the building. In between we went for a walk and ate dinner. Ken commented this morning that it's certainly true that working tends to make us sleep soundly! We should do that tonight--starting soon, since we have to be back at the CARE Center by 6:45 a.m.