Monday, October 11, 2010

New Step Rugs

We got our new step rugs today--or should I say "Ruggids"? A couple of years ago, we bought an outdoor runner and made our own, and they looked and worked fine--until the edges wore through. Rather than doing it ourselves again, we decided to buy some heavy duty commercially made covers. Here's hoping these last many years.

We were assigned to 8:30 a.m. kitchen duty, which means we kept the coffee going, cleaned up the breakfast things, and helped the cook with the noon meal and clean-up. There were plenty of pots and pans to wash! When we finished at 1:30 p.m., we were tuckered out, but we cheered ourselves up by thinking that we are now off until Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. A whole day free!

I got a message from Loretta today. Her new grandson has been born, and she is in Austin helping out with his older brother, Joseph, and the new baby, Isaac.

Yesterday when we came home from shopping, the Fantastic Vent had quit. Ken looked at its manual and went to check the fuse--voila, touching the fuse seemed to fix things. But a few minutes later, the fan was making noises, as if the blades were hitting something or it was unbalanced. We tried stopping and restarting, but no go. Today I got ready to send a message to the manufacturer, but I decided to take the screen off and try moving the blades by hand.

The blades were clearly scraping on something, and when I rotated it while pushing out on the inside of the blade frame, suddenly the noise went away. I decided to clean the filthy thing while I had the screen off. When we started to put the cover back on, we turned the fan on to see if all was well. Nothing! After a few anxious minutes, I realized what had happened--the cleaning solution had wet the rain sensor. Once everything dried, the fan started working fine. Another small crisis averted.