Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day Off (Really)

Today we had an actual day off, so of course we slept in. Eventually when we got around to taking our walk, it was hot, hot, hot!

The Activity Center is decked out for the season.

Escapees Total Support Network for RVers

After lunch we went to town. Our first mission was to get some cash from the Allpoint ATM we found online, supposed to be in the hospital cafeteria. It wasn't there. Our next stop was Walmart, where it occurred to us that we could use our debit card and get cash back with no charge.  Then we stopped at Brookshires to get seafood--it's the only place in town that has a decent selection. We got some wild-caught salmon from Alaska and some frozen wild-caught mahi mahi from Chile. The great sale price on the mahi mahi made up for the pricey salmon!

Finally we stopped at the library to return everything we had borrowed, since we'll be leaving town next Monday. I also renewed my library card for another year ($5 for a county resident).

For supper we had rotisserie chicken--not the best we've ever had, but easy!