Monday, October 18, 2010

Lee's Driving Adventure

This morning I had my first driving assignment--taking Walter to the doctor. All went well until I tried to fold his wheelchair up to put it in the van. I couldn't figure out how to do it, and he didn't have any ideas either--except to put it in the back of the van just as it was--so that's the way we traveled.

The next issue arose when I set my Droid to navigate to the doctor's office. The problem was that the address was on Ogletree St., and there are actually two Ogletree streets in this small town. Of course the Droid took me to the wrong one, and again, my passenger didn't have any clear ideas about where to go. I thought I knew that the doctor's office was near the new hospital, so I set out in that direction. I ended up calling Ken, because I suddenly remembered that he had taken a resident to an address on Ogletree. Fortunately, we arrived at the correct address only two minutes late.

When I got my first driving assignment a couple of weeks ago, I printed up a Google map of the route and stopped by Dan's office to pick up glossy overhead photos of the locale, but for some reason, that whole process escaped me this time. All's well that ends well. Walter was happy with the results of his appointment and we made it home safely.

Later Ken had to go pick up a prescription at the Brookshire Brothers' pharmacy, but that's another story.

Tonight we were on call, so we were busy from 5:00 p.m. until 9:30 p.m., except we got two breaks. On the first we ate dinner, and on the second we played a round of Ingenious! which I narrowly squeaked out.

Tomorrow morning we have to be at the Center at 6:45 a.m. Good night!