Monday, April 16, 2012

On the Road to Junction City

The highlight (or is that "lowlight") of our trip today was an unscheduled stop at the Chevy dealer in Gainesville, OK. The check engine light was alerting us to a problem with one of the glow plugs. We could tell by the low fuel mileage we were getting that the engine wasn't running very efficiently. No wonder, since it was running on only seven cylinders.

Fortunately the service department was able to diagnose the problem and fix it quickly. The best part is that the entire repair was covered by warranty. We were back on the road in an hour and a half. It sure is nice to find friendly, efficient service.

We drove 360 miles today, much farther than our usual trips. Most of it was on I-35 N and on the Kansas turnpike, so it was relatively easy driving, except for a backup in Wichita caused by an accident involving a tanker truck and a pickup. We arrived at our destination, the Wal-mart Supercenter in El Dorado, KS, around 6:15 p.m.

After dinner at the Subway and our walk, we spent a few hours doing some cleaning and packing to prepare for the big move. I talked to Cole at New Horizons today about our arrival tomorrow. He was very cordial, but also firm about our not seeing our new Majestic until Wednesday morning, when they've had a chance to put on the finishing touches and give it the white glove treatment.