Saturday, April 21, 2012


This morning Jeffrey said that he'd come by around 7:30 a.m. to work on our cargo area. We got up a bit before 7:00 a.m. to take our first showers in our new home. The shower is larger, and the shower head height is adjustable--all very nice, except that the pause feature doesn't work the same simple way that our previous shower head did, and it took me a bit to figure it out. Everything has a learning curve! All of our equipment manuals are being organized, so we haven't seen any of them and just have to figure out what we can.

Jeffrey actually didn't come by early. After breakfast we tried to turn the head down and found that the controls weren't working at all. Nothing we did would stop the furnace from running. Ken went over to the shop and found Jeffrey. He'd discovered that he didn't have some of the parts he needed for our job. He looked at the thermostat, popped the cover off, and removed the fuse. He waited a few seconds and then put it back. Voila! The controls worked again. He's obviously mechanically gifted and always willing to try anything.

We chatted a bit with Jack and Danielle, who were working on the electrical connections between their HDT, their Majestic, and their Jeep (which they triple tow). They've ordered a new HDT with Smart Car loader, so they'll be leaving their Jeep in Arizona or Colorado on their next trip west. We saw Debbie and Roger outside too, and Ken met Roger.

We've missed a lot of our regular walking the last few days, so we set out this morning for an hour-long walk. We visited the nearby neighborhood. Along the way we passed a farm and looked curiously at some donkeys, who in turn looked curiously at us and came to see if we had anything for them.

We apologized our lack of treats and walked on into a housing development, where we saw lots of newly built homes, some not yet occupied. Many had long black drainage hoses leading out to the street. It's clear that the builder failed to plan well for heavy rain.

When we returned from our walk, we spent some more time trying to get organized and putting things away.  I tried to reheat our leftover pizza from Pizza Hut using our shiny new oven--but I couldn't get the oven burner to stay lit, so I tried to use the convection feature of the Whirlpool Velos microwave/convection oven. It seemed to work, but not quickly enough, so I finished heating the pizza with a 30 second zapping with microwaves.  We ate the pizza with a nice salad Ken made.

Later we packed up our laundry and headed to Manhattan--Manhattan, Kansas that is. It's about 22 miles from Junction City. We need to put some miles on the truck before headed out towing a heavy trailer, and we had located a credit union ATM in Manhattan that would accept a deposit to our Northrop Grumman FCU account. Unfortunately when we finally found the ATM, Ken discovered that his ATM card was expired, so we weren't able to make the deposit.

We looked around the nearby Bed, Bath & Beyond, hoping to find some good organizing tools. Some of the drawer dividers looked good, but we weren't sure of the dimensions of our drawers. Then we went to the Speed Wash laundry to do our laundry. I got a chance to call Carol while the machines were running.

Tomorrow morning, we plan to sleep in!