Friday, April 20, 2012

Goodbye to Venture

[It's been hectic, and I haven't had a chance to write regular blog entries. Here are some jotted notes--with more complete entries and photos to come later.]

We got up early again and hurried to try to finish emptying the Excel and get it cleaned up in time for Kay's husband to pick it up at noon. It's harder than you would think to get everything out. Several times we found items we had overlooked--including our ice cream scoop from the Blue Bell factory tour we took on our first trip to Texas in 2008. Towards the end I spotted the two little Hummel plates we brought back from Germany for Mom. After some last minute cleaning, I took some final photos of our home of nearly five years.

Butch Wilks, Kay's husband, came by to pick up our old home and take it back to Moriarty, NM, where Kay's RV is located. Kay sells more used Excels every year than anyone else in the country.