Monday, June 30, 2014

Return to Park Sierra

We visited Park Sierra in April of 2009 and fell in love with it. Today is our first chance to return to this lovely Escapees COOP Park. When we checked in we mentioned that we had been parked in Visalia in front of Schatzi Lovett's house, and of course the office staff remembered Schatzi and her husband.

We're in site #425, which was relatively easy to get into, especially with help from Bill, the park manager. It has a view of the southern sky for our DirecTV dish, and most importantly, really good 50 amp power. We needed it to give us some respite from the extremely hot weather, which is expected to continue all week.

Park Sierra is in a remote forested area, so of course there are rodents about. Unfortunately, they like to eat vehicle wiring, so people put lights under their vehicles, which is what Ken did tonight. He also left the hood up to doubly discourage any trespassers.

We actually have decent internet again. Yay! I contacted Millenicom tech support yesterday, and they got Verizon to fix our connection. They didn't supply any details about what the problem was, but whatever it was is fixed. Instead of less than 1 Mbps, we now are running near 20 Mbps. That's nothing to write home about if you're in a house with cable internet or Verizon FIOS, but it's great for mobile service.


Tom and Donna Clapham said...

20 MB that great! Remember the rodents eventually get used to anything that doesn't if you staying have to move the lights around a bit. Enjoy your rustic surroundings!