Sunday, June 29, 2014

Another Hot Day

 I got a call from Kathy Martin this morning. She said that Aunt Helene had fallen and broken a hip yesterday. She had to have general anesthesia, because her arthritis prevented them from using a spinal. That's dangerous for someone in her 90s, but Helene made it okay. She's scheduled to be moved to a rehab facility on Wednesday. Fortunately, Eleanor was visiting from Atlanta and is with her mom now. She was able to extend her stay. We're all hoping that Helene will continue to improve.

We called Park Sierra this morning to see about getting in there early. The office closes early on Sundays, so we would have had to boondock tonight, which they did not recommend in this weather. So we're spending another night in Visalia, but we're sweltering here too. We haven't been able to run the a/c without tripping the circuit breaker, so we're relying on our exhaust fans.

Tomorrow we'll move to Park Sierra. The good news is that we'll be able to run the a/c. The bad news is that the highs are forecast to be in the 100s for the rest of the week.