Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Oil Change

It took us over three hours this morning to get an oil change. Very frustrating! We did take advantage of the time to get our morning walk in and to do some window shopping in nearby stores.

Ken spent another few hours of frustration trying to get the sensors on our tire pressure monitoring system to work. A couple have been behaving rather erratically since we got our new tires. At one point today all the sensors were reporting, and the pressures were all good. The only problem was that the sensors had been swapped around, so they were not on the tires they had been programmed for. Confusing, so Ken tried to either move or re-program them. The upshot is that we will fight that battle again another day.

Meanwhile I defrosted the freezer and reorganized the contents, hoping to get the temperature to drop some. Ditto with the fridge. Both of them are struggling to stay cool with this hot desert weather. I haven't helped by stocking up and probably overcrowding them.

We called a fellow Escapee who lives in Visalia and had listed her place as an overnight stop for traveling SKP's. Visalia is reasonably close to Sequoia National Park, and we hadn't been able to find any place else that would fit our rig and appealed to us. So tomorrow we are headed north.

Tonight after our walk we went to the hot tub to soak a bit. I'm still feeling the effects of my bruised ribs, and I was hoping a good soak in hot water would help. It was definitely relaxing.