Thursday, June 5, 2014

Another Hot Day

We have been doing our best to get our walks in. That involves walking early, before the sun has had a chance to raise the temperature too much, and walking late. We're trying to time our walks for that magic period in the evening, when the sun is low in the sky and touching the nearby mountains with gold.

We are seeing a huge increase in the  Gambel's quail population, with little chicks running behind their parents everywhere. The rabbit population is rising also. and Ken saw a comical sight this evening. One rabbit jumped over another, which responded by leaping straight up into the air.

This evening we watched the final segment of Cosmos, which we had recorded. The whole series is amazing, and I'm sorry to see it end. We're saving the programs to watch again later, but we're going to have to go through our list of programs on the DVR and either watch or delete some. The DVR is at 61%, leaving only 39% free.

We did some travel planning today, but it was generally frustrating because our Internet connection is extremely slow. We still would like to find a good place to stay near Boulder City. We were planning on going to the Boulder Beach Campground, the one in the Lake Mead NRA, with no hookups. Now we're thinking it will be too hot to get by without air conditioning, so we're leaning towards Canyon Trail RV Park.

We also replaced the under-sink water filter. We had to turn off the park water supply to do that. We just left it turned off and started using the water in our fresh water tank. It was starting to take on water when the park water was turned on, presumably because of some weakness in the valve that is supposed to prevent backflow into the tank. It did this once before, but we thought we had cleared it up.

Today I decided I needed to use the cup of pumpkin pie mix I had leftover in the fridge. I also had some leftover milk I had soured for a recipe requiring buttermilk. I did some research online and ended up making a variation on a pumpkin bread pudding recipe. It turned out quite delicious, a lot like pumpkin pie.