Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sunny Dancing Day

We danced twice today, first to Jerry Story at the Peppermint Palace and then in the evening to Joe Saltel at Tropic Star. We saw lots of the same friends at both dances, but at Joe's we missed Steve and Jan. Steve's back has been bothering him.

We heard some sad news on the radio today: Wolf 832 was killed by a hunter just outside Yellowstone National Park on December 6. One of the thrills of our trip to Yellowstone was seeing this wolf up close as she crossed the road ahead of our truck. She was the alpha female of the Lamar Valley pack.

On July 18, 2010, we were driving Chris and Anara to the airport at the end of their visit. We were heading into the Lamar Valley area when traffic stopped, and the magnificent gray wolf crossed the road. On the other side, she stopped and looked back, presumably for her cubs to follow her, we thought. When they didn't show, she crossed back.

The wolf on the right is 832, leader of the Lamar Pack.

We have lots of movies recorded on our DVR, along with the programs we regularly record, like NOVA. We had a free week of a premium movie channel, so we recorded everything that sounded at all good.