Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Johnny Cash!

We had a quiet day today--did our laundry, soaked in the hot tub, and did some planning for our trip to New Zealand. I finally did my Gelish nails again (it's been over three months).

Tonight we joined a group and watched a DVD on the big screen TV of selections from the Johnny Cash Show, which aired from 1969-1971. Lots of old memories there. It was interesting to see and hear all the musicians from our youth. A very young looking Ray Charles was on the show singing his own version of "Ring of Fire." Ray was celebrating his 40th birthday. The Everly Brothers appeared with their dad, Ike. The boys looked like young teens. Nothing like nostalgia for the music and songs of our long ago youth.

We stopped at the HEB at 10th and Trenton again and managed to spend over $100 again. The real trick was getting it all put away. The fridge is full.