Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Mosquito Hordes

This morning we did our laundry. Some of it didn't dry completely, so we hung it out behind the rig on our ladder mounted drying rack.

After lunch we went to DSW where Ken found two pairs of shoes. Of course I didn't find any that fit. I suspect that I'll end up buying online.

When we got home from the shopping trip, we went for our evening walk. I put on some Deet repellent, but it was very warm, so I wore a short sleeved shirt and shorts, as did Ken. We walked along the levee over to NABA and then along the road back to the park. We were bombarded by mosquitoes the whole time, but they got even worse as it got later. By the time we were approaching the park, we noticed it was after 5:00 p.m. and the back gate was closed and locked. We were slapping ourselves silly trying to reduce the local mosquito population, but without much success, so now we're both covered with welts.

Tonight we reviewed and culled the May 2011 photos. They include my trip to Portland and the trip to the Oregon coast with Chris and Anara. Lots of other nice memories too. We didn't actually cull many photos, but we did enjoy identifying and labeling some.