Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Birthday, Chris!

Today is Christmas Eve and always a reminder of my first Christmas eve as a mom. Chris arrived just after 10:00 a.m. on December 24, 1965, so today he's 47--but still my firstborn and my baby. When I talked to him today, he and Shawn were walking on the beach. They're at the coast for the weekend, but will return to Portland tomorrow evening, since they have to be at work Wednesday and Anara has a camp.

We celebrated today by fixing turkey breast and trimmings for dinner. We also did part of the work of making desserts for the party tomorrow with our friends. The rest will wait until morning, but the brickle bars needed to be baked today so they could cool thoroughly. While we had the oven hot we also made the flour and nut crusts for the other two layered desserts. We're almost ready for the feast!

Today we watched/listened to some Christmas programs we had recorded, including Christmas at Belmont, Christmas With the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, and White Christmas. We also got several Christmas cards in the mail, adding to our Christmas spirit.

This morning we biked into the park. It's closed on Mondays--that is, there are no programs or trams and the office/gift shop is closed, but visitors are still welcome. We'll be glad when Texas state parks get enough funding to stay open seven days a week.