Saturday, December 1, 2012

Moving Day

Today was a moving day for us, and it was the big moving day for Chris and Shawn and Anara. We moved to Bentsen Palm Village RV Resort. They moved to the brand new townhouse (still in Portland, only 2.6 miles from the duplex). We saw the townhouse under construction when we were visiting in July, but we're looking forward to pictures of the finished home.

Speaking of homes, here's a photo of our new home for the winter.

Here's a view of the 600 circle, where our site is:

We have Excel owners two sites over, Lee and Beth. We met them last year toward the end of our stay. They're here for six months this year, and with a brand new Excel. Tim and Rosie also arrived today, another couple of fellow Excel owners we met when they were here year before last. We're looking forward to visiting.

We also stopped and chatted with one of our 500 circle neighbors, Darlene. She and Ron have moved to a supersite. She caught us up on all our mutual acquaintances. We were sorry to hear that Ron and Ann won't be coming this year because of some health issues.

We had some problems getting situated in the site. There's a tree positioned just to the streetside rear. We ended up trimming it a bit (good thing we have some sturdy loppers!). We had some problems getting DirecTV set up also, and at first we thought the tree was involved. Now we're figuring the receiver just hiccupped.