Saturday, January 25, 2014

Jesse Is Four!

 Today is the fourth birthday of my youngest grandchild. His mother says that he's lucky to have made it, especially since she got a message yesterday morning informing her that he had bought $100 worth of "gems" in an online video game! (Fortunately she was able to have the charges removed later.) Jesse is very proud that he is four years old now.

This morning we headed to La Hacienda for our next C-2 lesson with Darryl. Steve has been sidelined for the last few days because of his knee surgery, but today he put on a brace and danced with Jan. Well, actually after a bit he took the brace off because it was too hot. He seemed to be doing okay, but I suspect he may have some repercussions later.

We learned several new calls, including Chain the Square, Swap the Wave, Swing Along, and my favorite: Shazam. We also reviewed and extended the calls Randy had taught Thursday. We're now up to twenty one calls/concepts that we more or less have learned.

After class we went shopping for things we needed for the party tomorrow. We spent the evening (and into the wee hours of Sunday) making lasagna and baking a German chocolate cake, following the recipe Chris gave me for his birthday cake. It was so good that I was glad of an excuse to make it again. Of course it's quite decadent and very yummy, but we're waiting for the party tomorrow to taste it.