Saturday, January 18, 2014

Dancing and Party

We had our second C-2 lesson with Darryl today. We picked up Jan and Steve for the ride to TVA. Steve had the front passenger seat pushed all the way back to accommodate his recently operated knee, still in its dressing and wrapping. He reported that it was no problem to walk, but that bending the knee or twisting was still painful, so he watched the lesson from the sidelines, imagining himself in the position of one of the dancers in a square near him.

Meanwhile, Jan danced with Hal, who had volunteered to step in for Steve. We learned six new calls/concepts to add to the six from last week, so we’re now at twelve out of seventy-two on the C-2 list. Two concepts that I’m still having to concentrate to see are the once-removed and cross concentric. I’m mainly able to recall the definitions, but it’s still difficult sometimes to get my body to actually carry them out.

This evening Jean had an “International Party” at her house. We picked up Jan and Steve again. Following the international theme, everyone brought a dish or two from around the world. We had Greek and Portuguese and mock-Polynesian and Mexican and Swedish and Polish and Indian food. It was all delicious. I especially liked the rumaki spread that G.W. and David brought. Its main ingredient is chicken livers, and it reminded me of braunschweiger, a childhood favorite. My dad liked it a lot, and he brought me some in the hospital after Chris was born. Good memories.

I made stuffed cabbage, a dish I'm really partial to but haven't made in some time. Stuffed cabbages were often served at weddings I attended in the Cleveland area. A friend's mother taught me how to make it. Yesterday I googled it and found that several countries claim some version of the dish. It goes by all different names: the Polish version is called golabki.