Saturday, January 4, 2014


 We found out today that Ken's sister, Romaine, has entered a hospice in Muskegon. Although we have been expecting this since she found out that her ovarian cancer had returned and spread, it was still saddening news. We actually found out when Romaine's daughter-in-law Tamra posted the news on Facebook. It took some detective work to find up to date contact information for Romaine's kids. Gordon's daughter, Shellie, had phone numbers. Ken finally talked with Romaine, who sounded in good spirits. She likes the hospice. All of her kids were in the room with her.

This evening Jan and Steve issued a spur of the moment invitation to come over to play "silly games." Jean's daughter was out for the evening with her friend, so Jean joined us. We played Wizard and Farkel. We had never played Wizard before, but it seemed a lot like Twinkle, a card game my mom liked a lot.

Today was a windy day, but mild and sunny enough that we made it to the hot tub for a bit. We also attended a brief presentation by a dermatologist on the various types of skin cancer and their symptoms and causes. We got mini screenings an advice to schedule an appointment, which we have been planning to do anyhow.

While we were out walking today, one of our neighbors stopped to talk. She said that she lives in lot 385 but had seen us at Bentsen Palm Village and has been a regular blog reader. We're always surprised to find that other people are interested in our travels.