Friday, January 24, 2014


Ken rescheduled his dermatology appointment for today to allow plenty of time for the stitches to settle before he started dancing again. The doctor explained that since the problem was caught so early, she only had to remove one centimeter margin. He has to return in a couple of weeks to get the stitches removed. Meanwhile we'll await the results of the biopsy of the tissue removed today. We're expecting it to be negative, of course.

This evening we went to a concert here at Green Gate Grove by a group called the Senior Ambassadors. It's a Winter Texan volunteer men's chorus. Their motto is “Loving Life-Making Music.” They have a lot of fun performing.

One of their songs tonight was "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." It was interrupted by a visit from "Dorothy," who insisted that "she" be allowed to sing. Their repertoire includes such classics as "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" (complete with jungle catcalls1!). These folks aren't professional singers, but their singing is heartfelt, and the audience enjoyed the concert.