Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Busy Nothing Day

We woke up as expected to cold weather this morning, so we went to the mall to walk. We're becoming familiar with the layout and glad to have a warm indoor place to walk.

From there we went to Dr. George's office for followup appointments. It was another one of those hurry-up-and-wait experiences. We got to spend plenty of time sitting in various waiting rooms and exam rooms before finally seeing the doc. By the time that was done we were very glad we had packed a lunch, which we ate in the outer waiting room.

Next we went to Walmart to check out the possibility of getting an oil change. It turned out that the wait was an hour and a half. Also, we had been hoping that someone would have come out with a compatible oil filter, but no such luck. So next we went to Spikes Ford and bought an oil filter. We asked there how much an oil change would cost. We had seen a sign offering every other oil change for free. The fine print turned out to be that you had to have all your maintenance done at Spikes, which doesn't work so well for travelers like us. And by the way, the oil change would cost $125.

We've been seeing news stories and photos about the winter weather tie-ups all across the south. Our thoughts go out to all our friends and relatives who are suffering from the chill. Ed has been delayed in New Orleans at the NADA convention. Julie says he's warm and dry in a nice hotel, rubbing shoulders with auto folks who are in the same boat. Julie and the kids are fine in Atlanta. The kids had only a half day of school today because of the weather. It's been snowing there and will probably ice over tonight.

Weather isn't so great here, either: cold and rainy. Glad we're inside. Ken went out and disconnected the water hose because of the possible freeze tonight. Good thing we have water in the fresh water tank.

P.S. How sad to hear of Pete Seeger's passing. He's got to be one of the most talented, decent human beings we've had the privilege to share the earth with. How inspiring!