Thursday, January 16, 2014

Doctors and Dancing

We're getting old and joining the rest of the Winter Texans in scheduling our days around our doctors' appointments! Today we both had two. In the morning we went to a dermatologist. Her name is Dr. Norma Magee, and she is and M.D. and board certified. Also, she is highly rated by her patients.

We liked her and thought she seemed competent, friendly, and communicative. She froze several spots on Ken and biopsied one. We'll hear the results of that in a week or so. She called in a prescription for me for the rash around my eyebrows. Unfortunately Caremark refused to authorize it, so we'll have to try again.

This afternoon we had our annual eye exams by Dr. Fuentes. We went to her last year also and like her. She said that our eyes are about the same, so that's done for another year. I need to make an appointment with a retinal specialist to follow up on my macular degeneration.

On the way home we stopped at the new 99 Cents Only store. It was mainly a disappointment. It's no longer actually 99 cents only--many items were higher priced, including some that weren't marked. Darn!

This evening we went to Darryl's C-1 dance, where we had nine squares on the floor and one couple out. Jan and Steve weren't there because of his knee surgery yesterday. We missed seeing Jean and Hardy and Judy and G.W. and David. Bob was there without Pat: she had her chemo today, but has only one more week of one especially toxic component. We did see Harlan and Jean, who are newly arrived in the Valley.

After the dance Darryl called a class level C-2 tip. This time some C-2 dancers stayed around to help out, so we had three squares dancing. We did pretty well (with a little help from our friends).