Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tough Workshop

This morning our park had a "yard sale" (in the clubhouse). I'm a big fan of sales, so I got there early. I didn't find much, but did get a couple of small items we've been looking for (very small bungies to hold up our clothes rack on our ladder and some snow blanket for our Christmas display).

This afternoon we went to Randy's C-1 workshop. The emphasis today was on "work." He really made us think a lot (and break down a lot), mainly with Tally-Ho variations. He also did left handed and phantom Little variations and finish Plenty from different positions. (Once we ended up in an I-formation.) At the end of the session he said he hoped we had brought our Advil!

It was in the 90s today, but still windy this morning. We've got three new neighbors, so we aren't quite as isolated in the new section as we were.

We've been talking about the possibility of doing some overseas travel, and especially of doing some RVing in Australia. Ken found an Escapees BOF (Birds of a Feather) group devoted to Worldwide Travelers. We're hoping to do some traveling and especially RV travel in Australia in 2013. Terri and Blake expect to be stationed in Singapore next year, and we hope to visit them and explore Australia on the same trip.

Worldwide Travelers BOF

We offer information about independent or RV travel in countries around the world other than North America. There is no charge for the e-newsletter, which is distributed once a month. We share information by asking questions and sending reports of travel.