Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Moving Day

Today was another moving day. By now you would think we'd be old hands at this, but we've been in the same place for three months, plenty of time to grow roots it seems. We had way more things outside than usual (rope lights, roll-up table, all the chairs, grill with small propane tank, path lights, blue boy, generator, bikes, Qube, etc.). We had a cable modem to return to Solstar and ran into a glitch there. We have a through the wall coax cable connector, and evidently the Solstar installer must have cut a cable to run it through and then attached a new connector. At least that's what we think must have happened, since we had to cut the cable to disconnect it....

The most serious glitch was that when Ken went to open the jaws of the hitch, it wouldn't open. I took the hitch off its base, and when I stood it on end, I could open the jaws, so I put it back together and figured we could hitch up and be on our way. Ken wanted to understand what had kept him from being able to open it. After some experimentation, he realized that we had reinstalled the handle upside down when we put the new part in the hitch and painted it. If we had hitched up with the handle upside down, who knows what might have happened. We probably would not have been able to open the jaws to unhitch at the very least.

We were very happy when we successfully hitched up, moved, and set up again. After eating some lunch, we went to the hot tub to relax and then read by the pool for a while.

Our site is in a new section of the park, and during the day workers and machines are busy finishing nearby sites, so it's rather noisy. But they all go home at night, so we get some quiet.

We're sure it will all be very nice when it's completed. It seems that everywhere we look around here there's heavy machinery and construction. The freeway and nearby roads have been torn up for ages. The entry to the state park is having new flood gates installed. We keep hoping that some of these projects will be finished soon!