Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Redux

Well, I couldn't stand it. For me, one of the best parts of Thanksgiving is the leftovers. So I bought a small turkey (7.25 pounds, didn't know they came that small!) and fixed turkey and gravy and dressing and sweet potatoes and crustless pumpkin pie for dinner today. Now the fridge is full to overflowing of turkey broth and all the other leftovers.

Ken and I played pool again today. I won three out of three--miracles do happen. I would never play if anyone was watching--it would be too embarrassing. We play so seldom that we're always sadly out of practice.

One of the couples in the park has a very productive grapefruit tree, so they are begging people to cart away grapefruit. I didn't have to be asked twice. We love grapefruit, and these are very flavorful ones. That's an advantage of being in this semitropical climate--lots of fresh fruit and veggies, almost like Southern California.

We watched a Frontline report on end of life decision making that we had recorded. One of the doctors commented, "No one wants to die. But no one wants to die badly." All our technology is making it very hard for patients and families to know when enough is enough. Prolonging life at any cost often means prolonging suffering and making an inevitable death just more painful and drawn out. But it's hard to let go.