Tuesday, November 23, 2010

More Dancing

Today was our first Tuesday of square dancing for the season. At 10:00 a.m. we danced advanced at Tropic Star in Pharr to Joe Saltel, with ten squares on the floor. We saw some of our old friends, including G. W. and David and George and Zeta. The last tip is a super fast open tip (called "hot hash"), which we always enjoy.

At noon we went to the nearby Taco Fiesta with Hardy and Judy and G.W. and David for lunch. Ken and I shared the grilled chicken breast with mashed potatoes and gravy and green beans, Texas toast, and a "dinner salad" (a little shredded iceberg and a pale tomato slice, no dressing). It was okay, and we had plenty to eat, but we didn't know that chicken breast could be that tough! The big advantage of going to this restaurant is that the afternoon dance is across the street at Pharr South.

At 1:00 p.m. we moved to Pharr South to dance C-1 to Randy Dougherty. There were three squares on the floor. We did okay, considering that we haven't danced in so long. Ken said that he would have been more embarrassed, except that other people were making plenty of mistakes too.

On our walk this evening we saw several large birds flying overhead. One had a long curved neck and appeared to be a great white egret. Lovely sight.

On the way home we stopped to stock up for the holiday. Our contribution to the Thanksgiving feast at the park will be rolls and butter. The stores have been very crowded,. H.E.B. was so it's a bit of a challenge finding a parking place for the beast and navigating our way through the stores. H.E.B. was giving away samples of green bean casserole. We passed.