Saturday, November 13, 2010

Photo Shoot!

Ed and Julie and the kids got all dressed up to take their Christmas photos. Actually, Ken took them, using Julie's new camera. Kelley came over for one last visit, and we all drove over to the creek. The setting was popular--in one spot we had to wait for another family on the same mission to leave. It was hard to find a place where the whole group would be in the shade. Mottled sunlight isn't good for portraits! Ken managed to get some really nice shots.

I took a few candids with Ken's camera, too.

Julie took this one
Later, Julie took the kids outside and shot lots of photos of them individually and together. In some of them, the kids are being a bit zany!

Kelley stayed to eat butternut squash soup, Amy's chicken patties, and salad for lunch. She definitely takes after her mom. When we were done eating, a colorful little mound of red and yellow and green chopped bell peppers sat in the bottom of her salad bowl. She had to leave after the meal: she had "lots to do."

Ed decided to take Cate with him to visit a coworker in the hospital. This lady, who has just had surgery, is an honorary grandma to Cate. She makes a fuss over her when Ed takes her to visit the Park Place dealership. Since we had some time, the rest of us decided to make another trip to Costco. This time Julie had one thing to get . . . but she didn't get out for under $100. We just barely got out for under $200, most of which was for vitamins, fish oil, calcium, and Preservision. It takes a lot to keep an older body in tune!

When we all got back to the house, it was getting too late for Ed and Julie to go to a movie, so they just went out to eat while we babysat. It was one of the easiest babysitting jobs ever. Julie fed Jesse and put him to sleep before they left, and he didn't stir the whole time. Cate and Sam and I played Wii balance games. Sam really needs some games geared to his level. He's getting pretty disgusted with his Mii hanging his head and pounding the ground, poor guy. Cate really enjoys the penguin feeding game.

Ed and Julie got back fairly early, so it was no problem getting in the campground gate. The last time we babysat, they went to see Avatar in 3D, and we ended up parking outside and walking in to the rig.