Saturday, November 27, 2010

Lazy Day

Wow! I actually slept until 10:30 this morning--not something I like to do. Usually I wake up by 8:00 at the latest. Guess I'll have to start setting an alarm clock. Maybe it was my body getting rest to continue healing from the respiratory thing, which is nearly gone now.

We didn't do much today. Spent some time trip planning and then went over to the spa for a while. Met a very friendly couple, Laura and Dan, who are buying a place here. They're retiring the end of this year and plan to have a New Year's Eve party/retirement party with their friends in Washington State before heading back down here.

Ken recorded the Michigan-Ohio State game, so we were able to fast forward through most of it to minimize the pain. Ouch! Michigan's quarterback is great, but he can't win games without some help from his receivers and from the defense. Oh well, next year will be another chance.

It was warmer today than yesterday, but still cool tonight. I made a big pot of vegetable barley soup to keep us warm.