Thursday, November 18, 2010

Georgetown to Three Rivers

We left Georgetown this morning, with Lee driving. My respiratory infection seems to be getting worse, so we stopped to pick up some stronger medicine. I'm thinking it's a sinus infection, so I started to take some antibiotics, too. Hope they work. Ken drove most of the way. We stopped for lunch at this "picnic area" on I 37 south of San Antonio.

We're spending the night at Tips Park in Three Rivers, which is on US 281, our route down to the Rio Grande Valley. We've been to this park twice before, so we knew pretty much what to expect. I called a couple of days ago, and the hosts were expecting us. We think they don't get too much traffic here, though it's a pretty spot. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately for them, it's in the shadow of a big Valero refinery. They seem to have several long term guests (refinery workers?), and they say they need more spaces, which are being added right now.

Our walk took us to the nearby banks of the Frio River. A sign in the campground warns of alligators, but we haven't seen any yet.

We did see some large birds, probably vultures, circling overhead, and this one, evidently drying its wings.

We called today and made reservations to attend a special flood presentation Sunday afternoon at the Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park. Most of the park is still closed because of the record flooding this summer. Hardy and Judy are going to the presentation and Hardy invited us (on Facebook). We are looking forward to connecting with old friends and seeing what the effects of the flood have been in the area.

I mostly lay around on the couch tonight. Ken did all the dishes, bless him. I sure hope I'll feel better in the morning!