Friday, November 12, 2010

Chili Cookoff!

This evening we all went to Sam's school, Reading Friends, for a fundraiser for their playground. The theme was western, and everyone was invited to wear their western duds. Activities for the kids included milking a cow, roping a steer, and sitting in a saddle.

A banjo playing storyteller gathered the kids around the "campfire," holding Sam's rapt attention.

The "quarry" room had materials for kids to design and decorate pavers for the playground. Cate decorated hers with butterflies.

We all ate hot dogs and chips, seated around tables designed for preschoolers in tiny chairs. One room was lined with tables with 11 entrants in the chili cookoff, showing off their recipes and offering samples, which everyone was invited to evaluate. I really liked the white chicken chili.

Another room held items for a silent auction. Ed won three of the silent auction items, including a large chest of dress up costumes for boys, which both Cate and Sam really liked. My favorite item was a pizza and a tee-shirt from Turner's Pizza.

Jesse has a winning smile and twinkle in his eye. He knows when he's the center of attention. Ken took this photo when we were preparing to leave for the school.

After we got the kids to bed, Ed and Ken and I played a couple of rounds of Rummikub. Ken won the first, and I won the second, so Ed protested when we said it was time to go home. He'll have his chance tomorrow.

This afternoon I went to get the additional views to follow up on my mammogram. After waiting an hour and a half and changing into a gown, I discovered that they had not gotten my earlier films. Evidently the request had been sent to the wrong fax number. I decided to take copies of the films to the Valley with me and have someone there compare them to the earlier ones. Another frustrating afternoon!