Saturday, September 18, 2010

Visiting Marshall, TX

We made a trip to Marshall today to do our laundry and shopping and get diesel. As usual, we tried to locate a laundromat using the Maps program on our Droids, and it sent us on a wild goose chase. The first place was a regular laundry, and closed on Saturday afternoons to boot. The next two places didn't exist. Finally we identified another laundromat on Superpages and headed towards it with some trepidation. Finally, an open working laundromat! Success. And it had high efficiency machines too.

When we started out on our evening walk, we immediately noticed some raindrops. We hadn't expected rain--but we got a bit of a thunderstorm, so we cut our walk short.

We watched an episode of Masterpiece Mystery we had Tivoed. It turned out to be a repeat of one we had seen last year, but we didn't remember the murderer until near the end, so we watched it anyway.
We played a couple of rounds of Ingenious!--one to Ken and one to me. We're picking up some of the strategy, which is very different from the four player game we played with Chris and Annie.