Thursday, September 16, 2010

Quiet Day

As we promised ourselves, we are taking some time out from visiting and sightseeing to just relax. This morning we took our morning walk before breakfast, before the heat could build up. One nice aspect to this campground is lots of shade, which also helps keep the walker cool.

We worked some more on our photos, hoping soon to get them all coordinated anyhow. Then we'll want to cull them and add captions and tags--it's a never ending occupation, but also good for our memories.

Tonight on our evening walk we were out after dark, and we spotted a hiking trail sign, at a place we had passed at least three times before without noticing it. We'll go explore there tomorrow in the daylight.
Ken beat me at Rummikub--by only four points after three rounds. Then we played a round of Ingenious! which I won, so we're even....