Friday, September 10, 2010

Birthday Celebration

This morning we got up early so we could stop by the doctor's office on the way to the hospital for our tests. We dropped off an SASE for our lab results and a printout of "The ABCs of Providing the Initial Preventive Physical Examination" that I found on the web, which included the correct codes to bill Medicare for the physical (as well as the required elements, not all of which we got).

Chris and Annie called to sing Happy Birthday to me. It's always wonderful to hear their voices, but I wasn't feeling too well, so the conversation was short.

Then we went over to the hospital to check in for our tests. Ken was scheduled at 9:30 for an upper GI and an abdominal ultrasound, and I was scheduled at 10:45 for a mammogram and bone density test. We were standing at registration when we realized that a) I couldn't find my wallet with my ID and insurance cards and b) Ken was supposed to be NPO, but had forgotten and eaten breakfast. So he had to reschedule his tests (for next Monday) and we had to go home to get my wallet. When we got here, I realized that it had been in my purse all along, just in a zipper compartment I hadn't checked. At least I did get my tests done successfully.

We went over to Ed and Julie's (they live near the hospital) to wait for Park Place to call about the truck. Ken ended up going to get the truck, and I took a nap. Kelley came over in time to help with the kids while Ed and Julie went to a doctor appointment.

When they came home, we had pizza and salads for dinner and then I got to open my presents. Cate gave me a ring with a jewel on it, and Julie had knitted a scarf for me. Terri sent some silicone bowls I had on my wish list, and Chris sent an Ingenious game. He and Annie and Ken and I had played it while we were in Yellowstone this summer. It's a tile laying game with some "ingenious" twists.

Kelley had baked a pineapple cake and Ken got a frozen mud pie, so I got to blow out two candles (glad it wasn't 65!). After cake and ice cream we played Ingenious. Sam was "helping" his dad, so Ed didn't get to see his tiles much. Cate and Kelley played together, and Ken and I played. Ed almost won, with five of his six colors ingenioused, but then he didn't draw the right tiles. Cate ended up sneaking past all of us, so her team won.

I woke up with a fever this morning, but later in the day my temperature was normal. My left arm still hurts, but not quite as much, so I'm definitely getting better. Tomorrow we're babysitting while Ed and Julie go out. By then I hope to be much better.