Thursday, September 2, 2010

More Rain

It's easy to tell we're back in Texas. When the weather forecast says thunderstorms are possible, we actually have a storm! Last night we saw an impressive display of heat lightening off to the east. We figured that the storm was probably moving away from us, but all night long the rain pounded down. The rain gauge showed nearly an inch of rain. The good part is that the soil is so sandy that there were no puddles on the ground this morning.

We took some bags along on our hike, hoping to find the muscadine grapes we had noticed before. We didn't find any grapes, but we did come across lots of deer hoof prints. Most of the "wildlife" we've seen here has been millions of grasshoppers. If we liked fried grasshoppers, we'd have a feast!

We spent some time today comparing music files on Ken's new computer to the ones on my old computer so we could be sure and get a copy of all our music. I'm not going to keep a copy on my computer. Windows 7 allows easy file sharing, and I don't listen to too much music on my computer. At home I prefer the CDs or I play music on my Droid using the external speakers.