Saturday, September 4, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

It's Saturday, and officially Labor Day Weekend, but you'd hardly know it from the activity here at the park. We did see some groups of picnickers, boaters, and campers, but not as many as we expected. There are empty campsite in the campground even. Maybe more people will show up tomorrow or Monday.

Ken was very happy to watch the Michigan Wolverines beat the University of Connecticut on their first pre-conference game, especially since they won by 20 points. Notre Dame next week may pose more of a challenge.

We managed to finish coordinating our music today, so now Ken has all the music files on his computer. We still have lots more photos to work with. We have to remind ourselves to stand up and stretch regularly. Otherwise we'd just become glued to our chairs in front of the computers!

We played four rounds of Rummikub tonight: Lee 63, Ken 4. On the fourth, both of us really lost concentration, so we decided to play two night tournaments from now on, with two rounds each night.