Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday, Sunday

I was feeling much better this morning, finally. After brunch, we took our walk, ending up where the truck was parked, outside the campground. We drove the truck back to our campsite and then spent some time cleaning up and rearranging the truck box, putting the new oil in, etc. By the time I had finished that, I could have done the backstroke in my accumulated sweat! I had almost forgotten how oppressively hot and humid Texas can be in September.

It was afternoon by the time we were ready to head over to Ed and Julie's. Ed and Sam and I went to Costco, while Julie and Jesse went to Tom Thumb, and Ken and Cate stayed home. Costco had its usual weekend crowds, meaning we had to hunt for a parking space and fight our way through some of the aisles, but both Ed and I found plenty that looked good (Compari tomatoes, strawberries, whole grain bread, chicken, and more). Sam had a little nap in the cart, with his head cushioned by my reusable shopping bags, but woke up when Ed pushed the cart into the cold produce room. Must have been a bit of a shock to find himself refrigerated! Sam was very proud to carry the receipt to the checker at the door, who joshed with him and drew a smiley face on the receipt.

Cate and Ken had been enjoyed the peace and chatting. Cate played some computer games and watched TV. Ken no doubt did some of the same.

Ed marinated and grilled some delicious chicken for dinner. I fixed some butternut squash, mashed with a little butter and cinnamon, that Jesse really liked.

After dinner Ed and Cate and Ken and I played Ingenious. Cate and Ed had played a two player game this morning, and Ed reported that the game board got closed off amazingly quickly. The other three players left me in the dust. Ken won by a hairsbreadth.

Sam and Cate pose with me and my birthday presents.

We made it home in daylight, but by just enough to get the hot water heater drained and flushed. It was dark by the time we set out on our walk. We could hear the waves lapping up on the shore, insect noises, and what I thought might be frogs. We haven't heard many frogs lately, so I hope that's what they were.