Saturday, September 11, 2010

Quality Time With the Grandkids

We always try to give Ed and Julie an opportunity for a "date night" while we're here. Tonight they finally had a chance to see Avatar in 3D--the special re-release with "never before seen" footage. They really enjoyed it--and the chance to get out together. We had fun with the kids. Cate was a big help. She made some hot chocolate, and Ken commented that she seemed to know where everything chocolate was in the house.

After a bit, Jesse got hungry and fussy, probably because of his emerging tooth. He ate the rest of his baby food Julie had set out, along with some baby finger food. When he ran out of interest in food, I changed him and got him to sleep. Sounds easy, huh? Jesse doesn't want to miss anything, and his teeth were bothering him, so keeping him calm and relaxed until he finally fell asleep meant I got to spend plenty of time baby cuddling, but not so much playing with the older kids.

By the time Jesse was asleep, they were ready for bed too. We got into pajamas and picked out books to read, and soon they were asleep too. That's about when Ken and I turned to each other and said, Avatar is a long movie. It started at 7:30 in Plano. Guess that means we walk into the campground tonight. The gates close at 11:00 p.m.

Since the weather was nice, that wasn't really a problem. When Ed walked in the door, he said he had expected to find us asleep in his bed and a note telling him and Julie to find a couch!

Here are some interesting vehicles parked in the campground. At first we thought the one was just a hippie van, but then we noticed the front window is painted and it's evidently being towed.

Before we left home, we turned off the hot water heater so the water could cool down. We need to drain and flush it. By tomorrow evening, it should be cool enough.