Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Rally Day Two

Today is my friend Carol's birthday. I was glad to catch her on the phone to wish her a happy birthday. She is 73 today and still very busy working as a psychiatric nurse.

On Rally Day Two we attended some interesting and helpful workshop sessions. The first, Healthcare on the Road for RV Travelers, was put on by our friends, Bruce and Mary Sue and Rebecca. Mary Sue and Rebecca both have nursing backgrounds to draw on. Bruce invited everyone in the group to name their worst fears in dealing with healthcare on the road and got plenty of responses. The team offered some tips and suggestions, and attendees chimed in with their experiences. Bruce had drawn together some resources from on the web. Bruce was making notes on a whiteboard about conditions warranting a call to 911. When he wrote "SOB," I asked what that meant. "Shortness of breath," he said. One of the group added, "Or if you're at an RV rally, it's "Some Other Brand."

Rebecca, Bruce, and Mary Sue prepare for their presentation.
Rally chair Tim holds up a lost flashlight.

New Horizons owners Phil and Karen are at the rally, and Phil had an opportunity to tell us about what's new at the factory in the way of personnel and features. His talk was very informative. When he mentioned some of the great new features, of course people were asking, "Can that be retrofitted?"

After lunch we went to a session presented by our friend Stuart, on Preventive Maintenance with special emphasis on the Majestic. His maintenance schedule is extremely detailed and well organized. During the Q&A, after we had heard an exhaustive list of all the maintenance work needed to keep an RV in tiptop shape, one woman asked, "So why do they call it a recreational vehicle?"

This evening we had a banquet catered by the resort, with a substantial contribution from Phil and Karen. We had a lively conversation with our table mates, John and Susan Vowell. They are very young retirees (under 50) and like to do a lot of boondocking. They have a 31' Summit with full body paint. We're looking forward to seeing it as well as many others tomorrow during the open house.

Later this evening we went to a show and tell session called "Great Places." Several couples had an opportunity to show ten photos of special places and tell something about them. We saw everything from polar bears in the arctic to penguins in the antarctic and some fantastic places in between.

Tonight we watched a Masterpiece Classic episode of Mr. Selfridge. It's a soap opera for sure--but also true to the life of Harry Selfridge, a larger than life character.