Monday, April 29, 2013

New Horizons Owners' Group Rally: Day One

Many New Horizons owners have been gathering at Buckhorn Lake RV Resort for days now, but today was the official opening of the 3013 rally, with registration starting at 2:45 p.m. in the Rally Hall. As we entered, each of us received an envelope with our name on it, and we also received bags of promotional materials from Kerrville and Fredericksburg. Each couple received a commemorative RV cookbook of recipes submitted by rally attendees and put together by June Wall. We opened our envelopes and put on our nametags and Carolyn Pelzek (one of the rally coordinators) showed us the tables with signup sheets and information and told us to "go mingle."

One of the signup sheets was something special: a list of rally first timers that more experienced folks could sign up to "sponsor" (i.e., make sure the newbies don't sit in a corner by themselves). We were lucky: Bruce and Mary Sue signed up to sponsor Willis and Rebecca and us. Bruce and Mary Sue are old hands at this rally thing.

At 5:30 p.m. we gathered again for a cookout put on by the rally team. Everyone had plenty of delicious food and another chance to talk with friends old and new. After dinner we left to take a short exercise walk and rest a bit (I've been feeling a bit under the weather, probably partly because of the heat and humidity). At 7:30 p.m. we gathered again for the evening activity, which included brief introductions, descriptions of the workshops, and lots of laughter.

This morning our walk took us north along Goat Creek Road. All of the drives were gated, and the streets that showed up on my GPS were all marked "Private Property." We saw some really nice homes with great views along the hilltops and bordering the creek.

Here's a really nice home with a view--for some lucky birds!

The rally room's acoustics leave something to be desired. When many people were talking in the room, it was very loud and difficult to hear. We were glad to step outside to greater quiet.