Friday, April 5, 2013

Change of Address

We got up early this morning so that we could be at the DMV office by 7:45 a.m. to try to beat the crowds to the 8:00 a.m. opening. Some people were even earlier birds than we were. Evidently not too many folks were there to change their addresses on their vehicles, so we were in one of the shorter lines. We ended up just filling out change of address cards rather than waiting in the massively longer line to renew our registrations. Now we have to go back for another early morning vigil after the very busy person responsible for entering changes of address in the system has had a chance to get ours processed.

Our next stop was at the Department of Public Safety office in Mission to change the addresses on our driver licenses. We had to take a number and wait our turn to get our pictures taken and our thumbs printed and pay $11 each for the duplicate licenses. Now we have temporary licenses to carry along with our old licenses, which now have a corner cut, while we wait for our permanent licenses to be mailed out to us. Fortunately, DPS will also take care of the change of address for our voter registrations.

Next we went to Green Gate Grove to take care of some things. I did a bit more yard work and filled another large trash bag with weeds and leaves and such. Fortunately it will be composted by the park. Next year maybe we'll figure a good place for a compost heap in the back yard. We sealed the drains and toilet in the Texas room to prevent evaporation and put out two large containers of water to provide some humidity. Ken turned off the water. We set off a bug bomb and put out a couple more mouse traps.

We biked around the neighborhood one last time for this season and loaded the bikes in the truck. Then we were off to Subway for lunch and Just a Cut for a quick haircut for me. We dropped the bikes off at Bicycle World for tune-ups and did some grocery shopping. By the time we got home and put the food away it was nearly dinnertime. Busy day, and we'll still have to make a trip to the Hidalgo County Appraisal Office to claim our homestead exemption on our property taxes for 2014, but we'll do that in the fall.

Altogether we had a busy day, so I was glad to have some leftovers for supper. Tomorrow we're sleeping in and not planning to go out for anything.