Friday, April 12, 2013

Garden Fever

This morning Shawn had several errands to run. Chris made waffles for breakfast, and then he and Anara and I walked to Whole Foods. After grocery shopping, we stopped in the Multnomah County Library branch located in the same neighborhood shopping center. I picked out a DVD of Michael Moore's Sicko that I've been wanting to watch, and of course Anara got several books.

After lunch we all went to Garden Fever to pick out some plants for the small fenced backyard at the townhouse, which was virgin territory since Shawn and Chris and Anara moved in here last December 1, not a great time for gardening in Portland. The builder was nice enough to cover the bare ground with bark mulch. Garden Fever is a surprising find in an urban neighborhood, with a wide selection of plants. Staff are knowledgeable, and plants are grouped according to their growing needs.

When we got home, Shawn could hardly wait to get her hands dirty, but first Chris and Shawn had to go buy some gardening tools, since they couldn't find any in the garage. I chose to mainly watch from indoors so I could warm myself by the gas fire. Portland spring weather is warm by Portlandian standards, but not for someone acclimated to south Texas.

Tonight Chris and Anara and I went to Anara's high school, Cleveland High, to see a production of Hamlet. It was quirky and quite enjoyable. Several male parts, including that of Hamlet, were played by young women. At 2 1/2 hours, it was an "abridged version." The cast got a standing ovation. Anara knows one of the players and is thinking of getting more involved in drama next year.

I've been feeling rather chilled, especially my feet. A heating pad under my feet came in handy and really warmed me up when we were sitting on the couch watching TV.