Sunday, March 18, 2012


We had a lazy day today. About all we accomplished was getting our 2011 federal income taxes ready to mail. We owed a very small amount, so no real motivation to file early this year.

This afternoon we played a couple of games of pool. As usual, we were glad not to have an audience when we showed our lack of skill. I won both games on technicalities. The first one I was about to win anyhow--but the second game was Ken's all the way until the cue ball fell on his last shot. We just don't play often enough to develop our skills, so we're pretty spotty players. Maybe we'll try again later in the week.

We started to watch Little Dorrit on Masterpiece Theater. We have several episodes TIVO'ed. It aired on PBS originally in 2009, and we recorded it then but never got around to watching it. This time maybe we'll follow through.

We are still fighting the darn little ants. Tomorrow we'll pick up some more ant bait. Today I was motivated to take everything out of the medicine cabinet and clean it. That probably needed doing anyhow.