Friday, March 23, 2012

Happy 40th Birthday, Jeff!

Well, today Ken became the father of a forty-year-old. Ouch! Sure brings home how old we are (my youngest is 44, so I know what it's like!). Jeff is celebrating with Tiffinie today, and they're looking forward to our visit in May. In August the Air Force is sending him to Korea for a one year unaccompanied tour of duty. He's not looking forward to being separated from Tiff for that long.

It is hot here in the Valley--91 degrees, sunny, humid, and no breeze today was enough to wilt me! We did most of our walking after dark. We are still enjoying the crystal clear dark skies, especially recently with a new moon. Venus, Jupiter, and Mars are shining brightly as we walk and wonder.

We didn't go to the trailer trash dance tonight, but we did peek in the windows to watch the dancers and listen to Ruthi sing. She is so talented. When we stopped by earlier today, the tablecloths were all adorned with quotes that could have come directly from Jeff Foxworthy (and probably did!).

"Decorations" for the trailer trash dance

We went shopping today. Our first stop was Best Buy. We can always enjoy browsing there. Then we stopped at Kohl's to check out home goods, and finally we went to our favorite HEB at 10th and Trenton. We got lots of veggies for our contributions to tomorrow night's German dinner (gurkensalat and veggie tray). The challenge then is getting everything into the fridge!